

Message from the Vice President/Athletic Director

If you imagine the greatest possible future for Toledo Athletics, what does it look like? How would we get there? And how fast?

Over the last year, we have embarked on a journey to try and answer those questions, through an inclusive and comprehensive strategic planning process that included input from a wide range of campus and community stakeholders, and that resulted in Rise Together, the strategic plan for Toledo Athletics. We have created a bold new vision for Toledo Athletics, establishing audacious goals unconstrained by the perceived limits of the past, and charting a course that will help us reach destinations once considered unreachable.

There is tremendous support, enthusiasm, and love for the Rockets in our community.  We are rightfully proud of the incredibly rich legacy of success of the Rockets, from those earliest beginnings more than a century ago, right up to this past season, arguably the greatest single sports year in our history. The spirit of #TeamToledo has never been more alive on our campus or in our community.

We forge boldly ahead with Rise Together. Our mission is as simple as it is ambitious: to transform the lives of our student-athletes while elevating the University and community through the power of sports.  Working together as #TeamToledo, we seek to increase the national prominence of our athletics programs, University, and community, while graduating champions who will one day change the world.

This plan, with its accompanying objectives, strategies, action steps, and metrics, is propelled by our six-step flywheel:

  1. Recruit, retain, and develop the best teammates (student-athletes, coaches, and staff)
  2. Generate student-athlete success
  3. Elevate our brand
  4. Enhance “Team Toledo” engagement
  5. Grow resources
  6. Invest in infrastructure

Last season’s success created tremendous momentum at a time when changes were rapidly occurring within the world of college athletics. With change comes opportunity. We must now Rise Together and turn this moment into a movement.

Let’s continue to dream big. Working together as one, we can make those dreams a reality.

Go Rockets! Go Team Toledo!

Bryan B. Blair

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unprecedented competitive excellence within the Mid-American Conference (MAC), featuring student-athletes who excel in the classroom and exemplify the best the University has to offer.


unparalleled regional and national exposure for the University and community leading to enhanced civic pride and brand affinity.



our student body with a renewed sense of community that becomes a focal point of student recruitment and retention efforts, while positively impacting the outcome of athletics contests.


community, alumni, and donor engagement, in an effort to expand the number of stakeholders with an investment in, and a connection to, our beautiful campus. 



a one-of-a-kind fan experience that leads to record-setting attendance, an intense competitive advantage at our home events, and a warm community shared amongst our raving fans.


100% post-graduate placement for our student-athletes through increased collaboration with the local business community and our vast alumni network, encouraging an increased percentage of student-athletes choosing to reside in the community post-graduation.


 and enhance state-of-the-art facilities that serve as a tangible example of the University’s commitment to championship Division I athletics, with designs and branding that speak to the past, present, and future of Toledo Athletics. 


transformational donor support and philanthropy, fueling an elite student-athlete experience that promotes excellence in all endeavors. 




We will have a steadfast determination to conquer obstacles, viewing change as an opportunity for growth, while fostering collective strength amidst adversity.



We will have an unwavering commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards in every aspect of our actions and decisions.



We are dedicated to selflessly serving and supporting one another. We prioritize treating each other with respect and collaborating as a team to achieve our shared goals.



We are committed to achieving greatness in all our endeavors. We will work collaboratively, pooling our talents and efforts, to accomplish our goals with exceptional results.

Big Hairy Audacious Goal


Achieve nationally renowned athletic success in three or more sports in the next five years.

Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG)

Strategic Goals


Recruit, Retain, and Develop the Best Teammates

People are the most important aspect of our department. We will prioritize the recruitment, development, and retention of our student-athletes, coaches, and staff, above all else.



Generate Student-Athlete Success

Each Toledo student-athlete should graduate with a meaningful degree, prepared for their next phase, and a championship ring on their hand. The championship ring serves as a tangible example of the teamwork, resilience, work ethic, and leadership skills needed to be successful in life.

Elevate our Brand

Toledo Athletics, the University of Toledo, and the City of Toledo have an incredible story to tell. Toledo Athletics serves as a unique platform to tell this story to local, regional, and national audiences.



Enhance “Team Toledo” Engagement

Our community -- the City of Toledo, our Northwest Ohio neighbors, and Rockets across the nation -- are our competitive advantage. By serving and engaging the “Team Toledo” community, we can harness our collective power to reach unprecedented heights, together.

Grow Resources

More resources will allow us to deliver an enhanced student-athlete experience. We will aggressively and creatively pursue all revenue opportunities in alignment with our core values.

Invest in Infrastructure

People are our greatest asset and should be our primary investment. Secondarily, the environments that our people excel within should speak to our commitment to excellence and invite new visitors to our campus to experience all that is great about being a Rocket.


Recruit, Retain, and Develop the Best Teammates

Enhance recruitment, development, and retention of coaches, staff, and administration.

    1. Develop a comprehensive recruitment strategy to attract top talent.
    2. Create a comprehensive onboarding plan for all new hires.
    3. Develop a compelling employer brand.
    4. Promote professional development for coaches, staff, and administrators.
    5. Foster an inclusive, positive, and supportive culture.
    6. Regularly assess and evaluate department performance.

Recruit and retain the best and brightest student-athletes.

      1. Implement innovative ways to positively impact the student-athlete recruiting experience.
      2. Create an efficient admission process for all incoming freshmen and transfer student-athletes.
      3. Proactively assess each student-athlete’s initial eligibility.
      4. Maximize name-image-likeness (NIL) opportunities to ensure student-athletes have every opportunity to be successful in their NIL endeavors.
      5. Provide student-athletes with a platform to provide feedback regarding their student-athlete experience.

Develop student-athletes through enhanced resources for optimal athletic performance.

      1. Provide student-athletes enhanced nutrition to maximize daily output and fuel athletic gains earned through training.
      2. Increase strength and conditioning resources to assist student-athletes in reaching their full athletic potential.
      3. Invest in appropriate technology to further enhance training, education, injury prevention, and athletic performance.


Generate Student-Athlete Success

Deliver an elite student-athlete experience.

    1. Improve the support system for student-athletes' holistic well-being, offering enhanced resources dedicated to mental health and overall wellness.
    2. Implement a robust student-athlete development program.
    3. Maximize positive impact on student-athletes and the community through NIL efforts.
    4. Provide career development programming for student-athletes to increase postgraduate opportunities.
    5. Increase community service and engagement opportunities.
    6. Enhance student-athlete support resources in sports medicine, strength and conditioning, and nutrition.

Offer the best academic resources to empower student-athletes to achieve their academic aspirations.

    1. Cultivate an environment where student-athletes prioritize academic excellence and uphold accountability and academic integrity.
    2. Establish tutoring services specifically tailored to the needs of student-athletes.
    3. Enhance the mentor program to provide guidance and support to student-athletes navigating academic challenges.
    4. Collaborate with faculty and staff members to ensure student-athletes receive the necessary support and accommodations to excel academically.

Foster a culture for coaches and student-athletes to win championships.

    1. Encourage camaraderie, fellowship, and teamwork by creating an environment where student-athletes support their fellow student-athletes, and coaches support their fellow coaches, to share knowledge and best practices.
    2. Increase resources within operating budgets to enable strategic program investments, competitive scheduling, and optimize travel methods to provide a competitive advantage.
    3. Establish clear guidelines and responsibilities for the sport administrator role to optimize support for the sport programs.
    4. Identify department enhancements that allow coaches to increase their focus on coaching, recruiting, and teambuilding, rather than administrative functions.


Elevate our Brand

Increase the visibility of the Toledo Athletics brand.

    1. Promote and celebrate the success of the department in ways that penetrate the intended audience.
    2. Increase media coverage and positive publicity for Toledo Athletics to enhance brand recognition and reputation.
    3. Increase merchandise sales and brand awareness through strategic marketing and promotional efforts.
    4. Establish athletic brand guidelines and primary and secondary mark usage.

Develop a compelling brand story that showcases the unique identity and values of Toledo Athletics.

    1. Build a strong social media presence that reflects the brand story and engages with the target audience.
    2. Create engaging content that tells the story of Toledo athletics and its student-athletes, coaches, and fans through elite storytelling and character development.
    3. Increase exposure of coaches and student-athletes on campus, in the community, and to a national audience.

Implement a comprehensive creative services team to properly leverage our media market, and athletic success, and elevate our social media presence in an increasingly competitive digital marketplace.

    1. Identify and recruit talented individuals with expertise in graphic design, content creation, and social media management to form the creative services team.
    2. Invest in high-quality tools and software to enhance the team's productivity and creativity.
    3. Regularly analyze social media metrics and user engagement data to measure the effectiveness of the team's efforts and make data-driven improvements.
    4. Stay updated on emerging social media platforms and trends to explore new avenues for reaching and engaging with the target audience.


Enhance “Team Toledo” Engagement

Foster a sense of shared purpose and pride around the City of Toledo, the surrounding Northwest Ohio community, and among Rocket fans.

    1. Develop a sustainable and impactful community outreach program.
    2. Promote the mindset and philosophy of “Team Toledo”.
    3. Engage the community using our unique regional and expanding national platform.
    4. Identify unique opportunities within youth sports, camps, and clinics to increase brand affinity, campus visits, and Rocket pride.

Be intentional in our service and commitment to the University.

    1. Assist the University in its student recruitment and retention efforts by providing a best-in-class student experience at athletic contests.
    2. Collaborate with campus units, faculty, and staff to create mutually beneficial partnerships to collectively advance the University’s mission and priorities.
    3. Increase connection and brand affinity amongst letterwinners, alumni, and supporters.
    4. Provide unique platforms to amplify University branding and success stories.

Create an exceptional experience that transforms our customers into passionate, loyal, and raving Rocket fans.

    1. Continuously improve and innovate fan experience based on fan feedback and industry trends to offer new and exciting experiences.
    2. Increase social media engagement with fans.
    3. Engage fans through clinics, workshops, and Q&A sessions with players and coaches.
    4. Reimagine fan-facing facilities by increasing options for personalization.


Grow Resources

Increase athletics donor base and philanthropic support that directly benefits student-athletes.

    1. Grow donor pipelines across the entire Rocket Fund membership.
    2. Secure transformational support to invest in long-term capital projects and key priorities.
    3. Implement comprehensive stewardship programs to maintain meaningful relationships with athletic donors and letterwinners.
    4. Expand gift planning partnership with UT Foundation and internal efforts to increase legacy gift support.
    5. Maximize positive impact on student-athletes and the community through NIL efforts.

Develop a best-in-class ticket sales and service approach that maximizes revenue potential and prioritizes customer service.

    1. Implement an aggressive and thoughtful new fan acquisition plan.
    2. Bolster ticket sales and services to drive more revenue across all ticket types.
    3. Enhance the premium seating and hospitality options to increase the value of tickets.
    4. Continuously improve sales strategies based on data and market research.

Enhance revenue streams and resource utilization.

    1. Identify and increase under-leveraged revenue channels.
    2. Foster new partnerships to secure non-traditional funding for key priorities.
    3. Consider campus partnerships for current and future resource sharing.

Develop a long-term strategy for institutional investment with increased ROI in alignment with university goals and priorities.

    1. Utilize objective industry expertise to assist in brand and value analyses, financial modeling, aspirational peer benchmarking, and data-based implementation strategies.
    2. Clearly define and articulate athletics’ value proposition, including financial and holistic impacts.
    3. Establish a 5-year financial plan, including projected University investment and ROI.
    4. Examine opportunities for additional sport offerings and support levels in alignment with Title IX and the NCAA gender equity framework.


Invest in Infrastructure

Execute facilities planning activities designed to outline priorities, costs, use, and implementation strategies.

    1. Develop a comprehensive facilities master plan that outlines capital priorities and improvements.
    2. Develop a comprehensive 10-year continuous cycle that outlines and prioritizes needed facility upgrades and replacements of important facility structure, equipment, and/or infrastructure.
    3. Create and implement a systematic facility walkthrough plan that has facility staff consistently evaluating the current state of all facilities to identify and address all routine maintenance items and ensure recruit readiness.
    4. Develop and implement a scheduling plan for all athletic facilities.
    5. Create a complete interior FFE life cycle replacement plan in all athletic administration and coaching offices, locker rooms, lounges, and meeting rooms.

Develop a plan that attracts outside events to all athletics venues, while positioning the Glass Bowl as Northwest Ohio's #1 outdoor entertainment venue.

    1. Align staffing needs to ensure proactivity and service for increased outside events.
    2. Assess the annual availability of all facilities to determine outside event potential.
    3. Develop a marketing, branding, and sales strategy to promote venues.
    4. Identify facility enhancements needed to successfully host a broad array of events.

Allocate resources to strengthen infrastructure across the student-athlete experience, athletics staffing, and all service providers.

    1. Renovate and build first-class facilities for high performance within competition and in the classroom.
    2. Bolster staffing numbers and salary resources to improve the athletics staff and student-athlete experience.
    3. Establish goals for service providers that strengthen the relationship beyond transactions.
    4. Implement the Rocket Achievement Awards in accordance with the Supreme Court’s Alston ruling.




The strategic planning process was announced at the all-staff meeting. All athletic department staff members were asked to define what they believed to be the core values of the Toledo Athletic Department by completing the One Word Core Value Exercise.




All athletic department staff members completed a survey with questions regarding the purpose, mission, vision, values, and a SWOT analysis of the athletic department.




Executive staff members participated in a flywheel exercise specific to defining strategic goals and priorities. Alumni, season ticket holders, faculty and staff, and Toledo athletic fans were asked to complete a survey with key questions regarding mission, vision, values, and a SWOT analysis of the athletic department.




Coaches, staff, student-athletes, campus faculty and staff, and members of the community participated in the strategic planning retreat. All athletic department staff members participated in a vision exercise during the all-staff meeting. Subcommittee chairs were selected.




Subcommittees were formed to create specific objectives, strategies, and metrics for goal areas. Held staff focus groups, and one-on-one interviews with head coaches, student-athletes, and various campus and community stakeholders.




Draft of the strategic plan reviewed and edited by various stakeholders.




Hosted the Unveiling of Toledo Athletics Vision for the Future event. Toledo Athletics strategic plan launched.



Thank you to all those who have been an integral part of this transformative journey contributing to the creation of the Toledo Athletics Strategic Plan.

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    Head Coach & Staff
Sports Represented
NW Ohio Businesses

“To achieve all that is possible, we must attempt the impossible. To be all we can be, we must dream of being more.”

                                                      — John C. Maxwell
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